New Collection: Herb Pressed Plate Launch

Starting Lighthearted Kitchen began as a passion project and turned into something much more. Something that connected the community and people to their food. Sourcing and cooking our meals with nutrient dense produce is a labor of love and something we adore educating our guests on.

As a farm to table dining company, we are still expanding and learning with each dinner but we wanted to bring something extra special to the table, something that’s unique – that’s tangible. Plates! Our very own, hand thrown and herb pressed ceramic plates. Thanks to
Glazed Garage, a local ceramist, we couldn’t be more excited to share them with you.

Introducing Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, and Oregano. Each plate has a unique herb pressed into its raw clay before heading to the kiln, making each one different from the last. We chose these herbs because they are vital to us when we cook and bring lots of benefits.

Rosemary: Rosemary is an aromatic herb that has been used in Christian ceremonies for its symbolic meaning of fidelity and remembrance. It has been used in wedding ceremonies to symbolize love, friendship, and remembrance. In Europe, rosemary is a symbol of love and fertility and is used in baptismal meals. In addition, Rosemary has been believed to improve memory since ancient times. Greek scholars would wear a garland of rosemary to help their memory during exams. Scientific studies have shown that the rosmarinic acid in rosemary can inhibit enzymes linked to memory loss.

Thyme: The herb thyme is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The name thyme comes from the Greek word “thymos” which means courage or strength, because the Greeks believed that thyme could give strength and courage. They used thyme oil to massage warriors to ensure their bravery. Women would wear thyme in their hair to highlight their beauty. It has been used for centuries for its culinary, medicinal, and flavoring properties. It has also been used as a home remedy for coughs, respiratory conditions, and bronchitis.

Sage: Sage has been associated with wisdom, long life, and immortality in European traditions. The Romans believed that sage could improve memory and quicken the senses. In mythology, chewing sage was thought to increase mental capacity. Sage has also been used to purify spaces and remove negative energy. The scientific name for sage, Salvia, comes from the Latin word salvare which means to salvage or to save.

Oregano: Oregano comes from the Greek words “oros” (mountain) and “ganos” (joy). The literal translation is “mountain of happiness”. The Greeks and Romans associated oregano with joy and happiness. They believed that the goddess Aphrodite created oregano as a symbol of joy in her garden. Oregano is a perennial herb with purple flowers and olive-green leaves. 

Use them as everyday dishware or bring them out when you host your friends and family for a special occasion. However you use them, we hope it brings a little Lighthearted to your kitchen.

They can be found on the shop to buy individually or as a set of all 4 herbs. Please allow us ample time to ship since each plate is handmade, made once you order!


October Produce Guide + Recipe


Savor & Salvage