Harvest Harmony: Our Fall Dinner Experience

Want to host a fall themed dinner party? Let us take you on a journey through our recent ticketed event "Harvest Harmony", an evening that not only celebrated the beauty of changing seasons but also served as a space for meaningful connections for strangers turned friends, family, and loved ones.

In the heart of Bluebird Canyon, the guests gathered at the long table under the trees at the farm. The air was infused with the promise of autumn, and the fields glowed with the hues of a fading summer. The evening began with a captivating poem that set the tone for the night, beautifully capturing the essence of the changing seasons:

"In the heart of Bluebird Canyon's embrace,
Where summer's kiss meets autumn's grace,
We gather 'neath the setting sun's glow,
A celebration of nature's ebb and flow.”

The highlight of the evening was, of course, the food. We served a multi-course menu that artfully transitioned from summer to fall, drawing inspiration from the farm's same-day harvest and emphasizing nutrient-density — a testament to our commitment to nourishing both body and soul.

The Menu:

Golden Glow Elixir

Turmeric Ginger Spritz

Housemade Rosemary Simple Syrup

Summers’ Welcome

Melon Gazpacho

Harvest’s First Embrace

Dough & Dirt Sourdough

Fig + Rosemary Compound Butter

Sunkissed Greens

Stone Fruit Salad

Fresh Goat’s Milk Cheese + Fennel Seed Vinaigrette

Harvest Harmony Main

As the sun dipped below the horizon, our menu transitioned seamlessly into the flavors of fall, with a Frenched rack of lamb, mashed garbanzos, and a drizzle of fresh chili oil

Autumn’s Arrival

Butternut Squash Congee

Harvest Moon

Fresh Pumpkin Puree Olive Oil Cake

Probiotic Rich Cinnamon Orange Zest Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting

The dress code encouraged guests to mirror the transition from summer to fall, with earthy tones, gentle gradients, and natural textures. It was a visual representation of our shared values, which prioritize nutrient-density, community connection, and, of course, fine wine.

We had the privilege of serving 3 Whiny Baby varietals, and it was an absolute delight to have owner Jess Druey speak about the wine-making process. Her insights added an extra layer of appreciation to each sip, enriching the dining experience.

We look forward to many more gatherings like this one, where we can come together to celebrate the seasons, the joys of nutrient-dense cuisine, and the power of a connected community.

Until next time, let's keep embracing the beauty of change and the delicious flavors that accompany this sweet transition into fall.


Hosting Private Events


October Produce Guide + Recipe